Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Private schools that are currently accredited by the Oklahoma State Department of Ed

House Bill 3393, the Lindsey Nicole Henry Students with Disabilities Scholarships Program, provides scholarships to any public school students who are on IEPs. The students may use the scholarships attend private schools that better meet their specific needs. HB3393 becomes effective August 26.

Several parents have asked me which private schools are participating. Private schools that wish to participate in the program must be accredited by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (SDE) and they must notify the SDE of their desire to participate. There is no current list of participating private schools, but there is a list of private schools currently accredited by the SDE. If any of these schools wish to participate, they will simply need to notify the SDE.

I urge interested parents to contact private schools to find out if they intend to accept the scholarships. I have included a link to the SDE list of accredited private schools to help parents identify those schools that are now eligible to participate.

If a school wishes to participate but is not currently accredited, it will need to achieve accreditation first.
You can also find a more readable version of HB3393 for parents on this blog.

I will provide more details as the SDE develops administrative rules to implement the new program. The State Board of Education is tentatively scheduled to take up consideration of proposed administrative rules at their July 27th meeting.