Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Schools Hurting for Money, Some Refuse to Implement HB 3393

The school superintendents for the six Tulsa area school districts currently refusing to implement the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program act (House Bill 3393) "earn" a combined $1.2 million in salary and benefits each year. The school districts ignoring the new law are Tulsa, Jenks, Broken Arrow, Union, Bixby and Owasso.

According to the Oklahoma State Department of Education the students currently on the new scholarship receive amounts ranging from $4,100 to $10,800  each year depending on their particular disability. If two dozen students received and average scholarship amount of $7,500 the total cost for the twelve students would be $180,000.

I think the state benefits more in the long run, dollar-for-dollar, from spending on the the scholarships than on quarter-of-a-million dollar superintendent salaries.