Monday, December 27, 2010

Sand Springs editorial on school board behavior on HB 3393 hits the mark

Regarding the Owasso and Bixby school boards' recent decision to reverse their earlier vote to not comply with House Bill 3393 Executive Editor William Swaim writes in the Sand Springs Leader:

"Maybe all it took for the wake up call was the possibility of ouster for school board members, who would not have the legal expenses for their defense covered by taxpayer dollars."
I would agree that the recent change of heart has more to do with the threat of ouster raised by an Owasso attorney than my willingness to listen to their concerns and revisit the new law this session.

I have said from the time the bill passed in May that I'm willing to listen to concerns from school districts. I held two interim study meetings this summer for that purpose. It has been no secret that legitimate concerns would be addressed. There is no excuse for the behavior of these school boards.

Swaim goes on to write:
"School board members made a choice and will have to deal with the consequences for willfully neglecting the oath they took. Perhaps ouster is the fitting consequence for not standing up and being a leader for all students in the school district."
In addition to a review of HB 3393 early next year will be the consideration of the behavior of these school boards including ouster.