Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bill Addressing Accessible Health Care Passes House

OKLAHOMA CAPITOL - House Speaker Kris Steele, R-Shawnee, Rep. Glen Mulready and Rep. Mark McCullough comment on HB 2130, approved today by the House of Representatives. The measure defines the membership and appointments to the Health Care for the Uninsured Board (HUB) which will oversee the implementation of the health care exchange.

House Speaker Kris Steele:

“Oklahoma ranks fifth highest in the nation in the percentage of citizens without health insurance. We now have the opportunity to construct a system that will provide meaningful access to quality, affordable health care coverage. The health care Exchange will empower Oklahomans to make good choices for their families. It will also enable small business owners to purchase health plans that best meet their needs.”

Rep. Glen Mulready:

“This is an important step towards ensuring that any Exchange established in Oklahoma is a free enterprise and focused solution for private markets. It incorporates the continued role of professional insurance brokers and agents in helping Oklahoma families make the best long term healthcare decisions for their families. The last thing we want to do is leave this role to the federal government. This establishes our governing board and confirms we have state control that best suits the state of Oklahoma.”

Rep. Mark McCullough:

“It is very exciting for me to see Oklahoma’s Insurance Exchange actually taking shape. It has been over three years since Ed Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation first came to the Capitol to discuss this groundbreaking innovation in health insurance delivery. Oklahoma is on its way to leading the nation away from top-down, government run health care and toward individual choice and the free market.”

House Bill 2130 passed the House by a vote of 51-34. It now heads to the Senate for additional consideration.