Saturday, March 26, 2011


Lt. Governor Todd Lamb
Yesterday Lt. Governor Todd Lamb secured the National Lieutenant Governor’s Association (NLGA) annual meeting in Oklahoma City in 2013.

“There could not be a better time to visit Oklahoma,” said Lamb. “Voted the number one recession proof city, and named one of the best places to launch a small business, Oklahoma City has experienced a true renaissance.”

In his invitation to host the 2013 conference, Lamb gave a formal bid presentation that showcased Oklahoma City and what we have to offer visitors from across the nation. The NLGA’s national conference is set to be held in Puerto Rico in 2011, followed by Chicago in 2012, both of which went through a similar bidding process.

“As Oklahoma’s Lt. Governor, I look forward to working with the NLGA and the rest of my colleagues to strengthen our nation and our states,” Lamb said. “I am excited for the opportunity to host the NLGA – both for the benefit of the association and the state of Oklahoma.”

Earlier this month, Lt. Governor Lamb was named to the NLGA’s executive committee, serving as South Region Chair. The South Region includes Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.

The NLGA is made up of Lt. Governors from across the nation. They meet in a different state each year to reassess the needs of the states, brainstorm for ways to meet those needs and move the states forward.