Friday, July 29, 2011

Lt. Governor Lamb Elected to National Position by Fellow Lt. Governors

Oklahoma City—At the recent annual conference for the National Lt. Governor’s Association (NLGA), Lt. Governor Todd Lamb was elected to serve as treasurer of the NLGA Executive Committee.

“The Lt. Governor was elected to this position bi-partisanly by his peers,” said NLGA Executive Director Julia Hurst.

“Oklahoma continues to have a vision of growth that moves our state forward and gives us recognition nationwide,” said Lt. Governor Lamb. “The opportunity to not only represent Oklahoma in the NLGA, but also champion who we are and what makes our state great is an honor. I am honored to be elected by my fellow Lt. Governors and to be a strong ambassador on behalf of Oklahoma on a national stage.”

“As an NLGA leader, Lt. Governor Lamb will work with his peers across the nation to find and foster multi-state and regional solutions to problems.” said NLGA Chair Nebraska Lt. Governor Rick Sheehy. “Through NLGA, the nation’s lieutenant governors discuss shared concerns and seek to influence national dialogue.”

In March of this year, Lt. Governor Lamb was able to secure the 2013 annual NLGA conference in Oklahoma.

The NLGA executive committee meets about three times a year and is responsible to chart the course of policy issues and work to be pursued by the nation’s second-highest state and territorial officeholders. In addition to its specific duties, the committee will also address issues of mutual concern to all members. The position is a one-year term with Lt. Governor Lamb serving until July of 2012.

NLGA is a bi-partisan organization promoting regional collaborations and problem solving for almost 50-years. See