Saturday, September 17, 2011

State Education Department Helps Schools Observe Constitution Day

OKLAHOMA CITY (Sept. 13, 2011) -- On Sept. 17, 1787, a group of 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the founding document of our nation’s government. Now, each year, all public schools are required to observe Constitution Day by teaching lessons that inform students about the U.S. Constitution and its importance to our nation’s citizens.

Schools will observe the 224th anniversary of Constitution Day on Friday, Sept. 16, this year.

“I hope that every student will take the study of the Constitution seriously, so they can begin to appreciate their rights and the long list of freedoms we enjoy in our country,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Janet Barresi.

Classroom activities for Constitution Day range from civics quizzes to reenactments of the Constitutional Convention to live webcasts.

The state Department of Education has compiled a list of helpful websites including lesson plans and information about the Constitution and the nation’s government at