Thursday, October 25, 2012

State Education Board Approves $289 Million Budget Increase Request

That Includes Funds for Reforms, Teacher Pay Increases

OKLAHOMA CITY (Oct. 8, 2012) – Oklahoma State Board of Education members on Thursday approved a $289 million Fiscal Year 2014 budget increase request for public schools to be made to the State Legislature late this year as lawmakers prepare for the 2013 Legislative Session. 
The budget includes dollars for statewide implementation of reforms, as well as funds for teachers and school personnel. 
"This request represents a substantial increase," State Superintendent Janet Barresi said, "but we will be be basing the increase in funds on performance. We're promising a return on investment to Oklahoma taxpayers."
Barresi said funds for schools will be tied to detailed performance metrics in areas such as gains in core subjects such as reading and math, results of a statewide Teacher and Leader Effectiveness system, and gains in closing the state's achievement gaps for minority students.
Additionally, with an increase in state aid to public schools, the state would anticipate that local superintendents would use a portion of the new dollars to boost teacher salaries. While the manner and method of teacher pay increases would be left to local decision making, Barresi said it was essential that budget talks this year include an emphasis on better teacher pay.
"The increased funds we're asking for focus on better pay for teachers and on results in our schools. It's time for a new conversation about our state's education spending that focuses on targeted strategies and clear-cut results," Barresi said. 
Barresi said the new budget request would also be tied directly to the state's C3 Plan to have all students graduating from an Oklahoma high school ready for college, career and citizenship by the year 2020. The C3 Plan has seven primary goals: an effective teacher in every classroom, and an effective leader in every school; an increase in the number of students in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) pipeline; and stair step readiness goals in kindergarten, fourth grade, sixth grade, high school and upon graduation.
Board members reviewed preliminary numbers in a special meeting Oct. 8 and voted to approve the budget Thursday. 
The budget includes a $234 million increase in state aid to public schools — from about $1.8 billion in FY 2013 to a possible increase of more than $2 billion. 
The budget request also asks for nearly $46 million more in the state's public school activities fund — targeting key areas for reform implementation such as third grade reading readiness, Advanced Placement teacher training, ACE (Achieving Classroom Excellence) end-of-instruction requirements remediation, additional money for the state's new Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System, and funds for the state's student information system to provide more precise information for teachers in the classroom. 
The budget increase also will go toward a competitive grants pool for schools to spur innovations and reforms throughout the state.

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